Category Archives for "Pets"

Using flower essences to help dogs, cats, and other animals.

Parasite Bioessence for Pets

With the new Parasite Assassin blend, you can use it for either people or pets. While the conventional medical establishment denies that parasites are a common problem for people, they are in favor of being regular with anti-parasitics for animals. The pharma companies say every two weeks for puppies and monthly or every three months for adult […]

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A Holistic Approach to Dog Allergies

Pit bull mix standing in flower bed

The last couple of months I have disappeared down the rabbit hole of figuring out dog allergies. It got to a point where we couldn’t ignore it anymore, dog was too busy scratching to sleep, crying, and finally he stopped eating. So the rest of my life went on hold while we did trial and […]

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