- by Seneca
So How Many of These Can I Take at Once?
The number one question I get asked is how many flower essences you can take at once. Once people figure out how powerful the essences can be, they often want as much as they can get, as fast as possible.
You need to set some priorities for what you're going to work on. I assure you that not all of your pain is yelling equally loudly. Take the thing that's biggest and most in-your-face right now and start there.
If you can track quite a few of your problems back to one main root, then maybe start there instead.
Simple, but not easy.
Sorry to say this, but massive overhaul is probably the last thing you need. Change like that doesn't tend to stick. It takes time to integrate new ways of functioning. And whether we notice or want to admit, it's normal to have some bit of identity wrapped up in the old dysfunction. This stuff takes time to unravel, even if you start feeling better right away.
If you must proceed with your Extreme Makeover: Emotional Edition, there are other modalities out there besides essences. You can work on other issues in other ways, or you can hit your priority issue 6 ways from Sunday and fast track it so you can address other things sooner.
If you email us asking if you can mix blends we're just going to point you back to this post.
We want you to have a good result.
We want you to have permanent change.
We don't want you to keep chasing the same issues around the barnyard.
Bouquet Blends
When I make the blends I don't use more than seven individual flower essences. It's not because I'm stingy, it's because I want to make sure the blends actually work for you. Less really is more in this case.
While it won't necessarily hurt you to take more than seven individual essences at once (more than one blend would be 12+ individuals), it is more likely to trigger a healing crisis. And you may not see the increased effect you were hoping for as taking too many at a time means systemic confusion and too many things canceling each other out.
Slow and Steady
Just like it's better to take the essences throughout the day to continually introduce their frequencies to your body, instead of taking one big gulp and calling it done. It's best to take just one blend at a time to get the maximum benefits.
If you want to experiment
Now, all that being said, I have several customers that do report taking multiple blends at once and seeing good results. But few people are willing to put in the 2-3 weeks to see if they can be both effective and emotionally ok switching it up or taking lots of essences. If you're one of the few and want to experiment, go for it. But if you start to experience a healing crisis it's time to go back to just one (or maybe even none till the healing crisis passes).
A possibility for taking more than one blend at a time is to spread them out throughout your day. So maybe you start with M&M in the morning, and switch to Peaceful Sleep in the evening. This is something to attempt only when you're an experienced essence user and understand the following:
If you are pretty sensitive and feel the effects of essences quickly, you can do the above. If you are one of those who takes a couple weeks of taking them consistently before you start to think they might be working, then alternating is not going to work for you. I also want you to start with only one blend, and get to a place of a good result first, because adding more could derail everything. And you won't know if it wasn't the right essence for you, or if doing two at a time isn't your thing.
Also, in jumping around, consider how deep of an issue you are trying to dislodge. Fixing the crappy mood of the day is one thing, but healing childhood trauma is a whole different thing and will need your being consistent for a period of time.
If you find yourself wanting to take multiple bouquet blends to get the desired effect, it's probably time to order a custom combo so we can fine tune the blend to what you actually need and maximize the effectiveness of the essences in your blend. Please understand, I will not be putting 7 blends into one custom combo. We'll be sticking with the 7 individual essences rule.
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