Herxing? Maybe. Some people do and some people (like me) never notice any
- by Seneca
Will Parasite Assassin Fix My Other Issue?
We get lots of questions about what kinds of issues Parasite Assassin can help with. It's for parasites. Period.
Lots of health conditions have connections to parasitic infection, so if parasites are contributing to your issue, then yes, parasite cleansing can help. It certainly can't hurt. But if you have something specific you want to work on, it's best to use frequencies specifically for that issue.
Even if you know you're dealing with a specific species of parasite, it would be better to use frequencies for that species rather than the broad spectrum of Parasite Assassin.
Watch this short video.
Do you understand why it's important to have precisely the right frequencies?
Oh, did you gloss over our use of hertz frequencies in favor of more familiar elements? The hertz frequencies are the cornerstone of the whole formula. We need those to be correct for whatever we're trying to do.
The device they are discussing in the video is just one of many, and there are many that are much older. This isn't exactly a new science.
Thank goodness.
We can use frequencies that have long track records across multiple clinics to improve our success.
But of course we can't diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We can however, make you whatever you want. You can get that started here.
What to Expect With Parasite Assassin
What’s With the Full Moon and Parasite Cleansing?
Full moon is a traditional time for parasite cleansing that most natural
Why Essences Are Not Tinctures and Can’t Be Used the Same
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The Parasite Assassin Protocol
I realize many of you are used to other multi-step cleanse products
What Binder Should I Take? Do I Even Need One?
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Parasite Bioessence for Pets
With the new Parasite Assassin blend, you can use it for either people