New “Bravely You” Flower Essence for Identity

bravely you flower essence for identity

On Easter this year, which was also my birthday, I decided the most appropriate way to celebrate and worship was to do my thing, be my unique self, walking out my destiny to the best I know how. So I headed back to the woods that morning for these little Shooting Stars that I found the day before. I try to use Holy days for essence making when possible, and on the way home, this flower essence formula for identity got downloaded into my consciousness. 

shooting stars flower essence
Bravely You helps you stand in your individual identity and be more comfortable being yourself, especially if you feel like you’ve always had trouble fitting in.

Bravely You Flower essence for identity

Have you ever felt like you just don't fit in?

Bravely You Essence may help with:

  • feeling uncomfortably different from those around you
  • not feeling confident in going forward in your unique calling
  • standing strong against peer pressure/other's expectations
  • maintaining your individuality
  • the ability to see who your tribe is and where you do fit
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Feel More Comfortable Being You

Woman watching shooting stars

Shooting Stars help those who feel very different from those around them, they haven't quite mentally or emotionally connected with the earthly realm. Many have had difficult or traumatizing births or womb trauma. Often there is a constant though not always obvious battle for them to fulfill their destiny or purpose, especially early on in life. This tends to show up as childhood health issues, and the disconnect between them and others or between them and the Divine as well as a disconnect from their true identity and mission to earth. For a Shooting Star personality to step into their purpose, they have to battle initially through a fog of having a strong sense of purpose though not knowing what exactly it is, then potentially fear of ostracism, ridicule or even martyrdom. Shooting Star will help you recognize why you are here, and help you to stand in your identity in the face of opposition, as well as feel more connected to the earthly realm and those you share it with.

Boxwood helps you break free of the expectations of others. For those who feel they have had certain behaviors trained into them, and especially if they have been overly compliant to fit into the “box,” this essence can help. Strict upbringing, and with a very strong sense of what kind of behaviors, thoughts and opinions can shift into less shameful states of consciousness. You can still mind your P’s and Q’s, fitting into situations and different company with boxwood while standing your ground where your individuality matters.

Goldenrod instills self-trust and confidence especially in those who don't have a strong sense of their individual identity. A key to identifying this type of personality is the individual modifying to fit whoever their present company is. Goldenrod will help where affirmation and attention from others is needed, it helps one to stop seeking outside approval and gain inner strength and conviction about who they truly are.

Harebell helps those having a hard time interacting in group situations and helps you not give your power away to others by letting them make decisions, or by seeking approval. Harebell's lesson is that you are good enough, just as you are, worthy of your Creator's unconditional love, and to stop seeking love in the wrong places, and compromising who you really are in order to get it. Harebell also helps those who have a hard time opening their heart to others. By receiving true and pure love from the Source, you are able to let it flow freely to others.

Sweet Pea helps people who are unable to form social bonds or figure out where they fit in. For those who feel they are constantly searching for a place to belong, for a tribe, a place where they can contribute, Sweet Pea helps you to slow down a bit so you can better see a place to fit. Used by frequent travelers who are homesick and by those who move from one thing to another without becoming truly involved, Sweet Pea offers a sense of roots and connectedness.

Elcampane helps those who feel out of touch with the general population. It helps you be comfortable being yourself in social situations and also enhances self-worth. It brings a stronger sense of individual identity and helps you integrate new information and experiences when pioneering new things that only you could bring about.

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Founder of Freedom Flowers, Seneca has a strong understanding of frequencies found in nature and how they bring healing to the spiritual, emotional and thus, the physical body. She understands that humanity often shuts down in defense of pain or violation, and she knows what to offer to “unlock” areas that have become dormant over time. Seneca has a burning desire to bring healing to our issues in a gentle and natural way.