EMF Sensitivity?

Smart homes are exposed to harmful FM radiation from cell towers according to scientists

You’ve probably heard about the growing concerns over EMFs (Electromagnetic Frequencies) and how they affect our well-being. While EMFs aren’t healthy for anyone, some people are hit harder than others.The symptoms are vast, ranging from anxiety, tinnitus, and fatigue to heart palpitations, blurry vision, and even more serious conditions like cancer and dementia. It’s a […]

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Peace of Mind with all Variants

Image of a man holding his hand up against viruses

We know it can be tough wrapping your mind around new info so we want to help answer the frequently asked questions the best we can while also making sure we don’t get our social media accounts shut down or the powers at be wagging their finger at us for how we say things. Some FAQs […]

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Parasite Bioessence for Pets

With the new Parasite Assassin blend, you can use it for either people or pets. While the conventional medical establishment denies that parasites are a common problem for people, they are in favor of being regular with anti-parasitics for animals. The pharma companies say every two weeks for puppies and monthly or every three months for adult […]

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How to Use Essences

The bottle says to take 4 drops 4 times a day. Remember though, that essences are a frequency or vibrationally based product, you’re not trying to get a certain milligrams of an herbal preparation, so no, 4 drops 4 times a day does not mean 16 drops at once. It actually doesn’t mean the ultimate […]

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How Bioessences Work

Floral wreath in greens, teals, and apricot with dropper bottles and the post title in the center.

I know the bioessences are still somewhat of a mystery, heck, you may not even have your head around flower, gem and sound essences and here we go with this other thing. Well, hopefully we never stop innovating. But let’s try and unpack some of how these new essences work. What is a Bioessence?Bioessences are a name […]

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Biorhythms: How to Work With Your Personal Ups and Downs

Biorhythm chart depiction

Ever chart your biorhythm? It’s proposed that we have these cycles that oscillate over time, depicting your physical, emotional and intellectual fortitude sort of like circadian rhythms and other biological processes. We literally have our ups and downs.  And what’s more, they are forecastable.  You can’t always choose the days that you do hard things, but […]

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Adrenal Fatigue and Essences

Young woman lying in lavender field on summer day

Adrenal fatigue has really gotten to be a thing in today’s society. We have jam packed lives, and most of us run on caffeine or other pick-me-ups to compensate for low energy and lack of sleep. Long term, we pay a price, sometimes in the form of adrenal fatigue.  Your adrenals are your stress-coping organs, responsible […]

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