Finding Internal Unity: Dropping all the Pretense

Pre-tense​ˈprēˌtens,prēˈtensnoun​​A way of behaving that is intended to deceive people:They kept up (= continued) a pretense of normality as long as they could. A year ago I was looking up “pretense” in the dictionary because I saw the word in a vision that later ended up in the book “Accessing Your Spiritual Inheritance.  It’s not […]

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New “Bravely You” Flower Essence for Identity

bravely you flower essence for identity

On Easter this year, which was also my birthday, I decided the most appropriate way to celebrate and worship was to do my thing, be my unique self, walking out my destiny to the best I know how. So I headed back to the woods that morning for these little Shooting Stars that I found […]

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My California Poppy Conversation

I met some poppies who poured their hearts out to me… The other night I felt impressed to pull this out of my journal, surprisingly it was from a year ago. Often I pray when I have downtime “take me somewhere and teach me something.” Many times these end up being experiences in an alternate […]

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Times and Seasons Healing Box

Hey, you know those monthly subscription boxes that you pay a monthly fee and get a surprise goodie every month?  Freedom Flowers has one of those! A year ago, a friend was sending me info on the Hebraic month we were in, and as I read, flowers were jumping out at me.  I realized that there is […]

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Are Shamrocks Lucky?

Sure! Just not exactly in the way you’ve been told.  Luck, in the sense of a mysterious chance having nothing to do with your actions is not quite the direction of the shamrock (clover) flower essence. It’s essence fosters intuition, clarity, reasoning skills and logical thinking, as well as proper perspective on life events, which […]

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Flower Essences For Writers

Today I broke down and made myself a writing blend. Sure M&M, Focus and Confidence can do in a pinch, but I needed some targeted help.   Writing is an emotional business, at least it should be, and there are plenty of pitfalls as such.  Here are some common issues and my floral suggestions for each. You […]

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How Essences Work With Deliverance

I’ve been getting questions about this. This is my snapshot in time for what my understanding regarding flower essences (which are not oils) and the demonic is right now. Luckily, I’ve been working this in the past with zero understanding and it still got the job done, so if I’m a little off now, it’s ok!  (If […]

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New “Prosper” Essence and Other Cool Stuff

We’ve got a new essence for the new year called Prosper. I set out to do a blend to address poverty mentality, scarcity, and lack. It is of course about money, but so much deeper than that. It’s my aim that it helps you tap into abundance in all areas of your life by working […]

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Flower Essences Vs Essential Oils

Before I get into this, I’m afraid the title sounds like I’m down on oils, especially to those who live to use them. That’s not the case at all, I use essential oils and think they have their place. They cover territory that essences do not and vice versa. Because there seems to be so much […]

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You Have Everything You Need For Breakthrough

You just might not have had access until now. A couple friends/business partners and I were experimenting with the 528 Creative DNA essence before we rolled it out to the public. My friend Alice had one of the oh-so-typical-while-on-this-essence “Grandma’s basement” dreams and then went into a vision when she was awake. She documented all of […]

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